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Crushing the Competition: Driving More Share to Your Hotel
By Theresa Hajko, Regional Director of Revenue Management, Spire Hospitality
With the ever- changing competitive landscape Hoteliers have had to become more creative and adept at driving occupancy. In markets where new competition is plentiful many of us have had to step up our game to hold onto or grow share. Let's take a closer look at a few ways to drive more share and crush the competition.
DAILY HEADLINES - Wednesday Apr 3, 2024
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A Systematic Approach to Monetizing New Hotel Offerings
By Karla Brooklyn, Global VP, Enterprise, SiteMinder
The pandemic has served as a reminder about many aspects of our business and certainly, for hotels, one constant reminder has been that additional revenue must be generated in more ways than simply raising room prices. In the past 18 months, when every extra dollar has counted, the ability to drive fresh ancillary revenue streams has been vital, and has inspired a completely new level of innovation and creativity from many within the sector.
Guiding Revenue Management Toward An Inconstant Future
By Brian Athas, Vice President, Revenue Management, M&R Hotel Management
It's widely known that hotels have been upended by COVID-19. With light now at the end of the tunnel we are asked the question of "What is coming next?" Revenue Management is reliant on data and market understanding, but after an entire outlier of a year we are leaning on all strategies and aspects of operations to meet owner expectations.