Editorial Board   

Mr. Kwortnik

Robert Kwortnik

Academic Director, Cornell Center for Hospitality Research

Rob Kwortnik, MBA, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Services Marketing for the Cornell Center for Hospitality Research. A graduate of Temple University, Mr. Kwortnik's research focuses on consumer behavior in service contexts, with special attention to service experience management. He has published in the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Service Research, The International Journal of Research in Marketing, and the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. Mr. Kwortnik has been honored seven times as a Teacher of the Year by students at the Cornell Hotel School. Prior to his career in academics, Mr. Kwortnik held several professional positions in marketing and was a travel industry consultant. He is a recognized expert on the leisure cruise industry. Mr.Kwortnik is also the faculty advisor to Cornell's Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International student chapter.

Mr. Kwortnik can be contacted at 607-254-6543 or [email protected]

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