May FOCUS: Eco-Friendly Practices

May 2023

According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization, hotels are accountable for 1% of global emissions. This number will continue to rise as development increases, which is why sustainability initiatives are so important. It's also a primary consideration for ecologically-minded travelers. According to's 2019 Sustainable Travel Report, 70% of global travelers say they would be more likely to book an accommodation knowing it was eco-friendly. Given these priorities, hotels are tasked with confronting a myriad of challenges. For example, water scarcity is a global issue that affects more than 40% of the world's population. On average, hotels use 400 gallons per room per day, so it is essential that efficient water stewardship programs are in place. Managed tourism is another issue hotels are addressing. In some areas, it is vital to curb rampant and uncontrolled tourism which is severely taxing local lands and resources. The May issue of the Hotel Business Review will report on what some hotels are doing to integrate sustainable, eco-friendly practices into their operations.

Run Date:   04/30/2023 - 06/03/2023
Editorial Deadline:   Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Advertising Deadline:   Wednesday, April 19, 2023

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