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Jim Poad

For obvious reasons, cost cutting is at the top of every business owner's to-do list. Surprisingly, energy expenses are often overlooked as operating costs are evaluated for their impact on a company's bottom line. Energy expenses can be a controllable cost when consumption behaviors are evaluated. According to ENERGY STARR, typical energy expenses account for more than 6 percent of a hotel's total operating costs. These costs have increased approximately 25 percent from 2004 to 2008. By investigating procurement options, analyzing a history of utility invoices, exploring what rates you should be paying, and implementing green energy practices, operators can drive down utility costs without negatively impacting the comfort of their hotels or quality of the guest accommodations. READ MORE

Kurt A. Broadhag

In the current state of fitness in the hospitality industry it is not enough to offer a bare bones non-staffed fitness center consisting of a select few pieces of exercise equipment. To set themselves apart, hotels must now reinvent the whole concept of the hotel fitness center, shying away from the old concept of creating an environment where the avid fitness enthusiast can supplement their at-home workout and try to draw in a new demographic of guests many of whom are intimidated by the traditional gym setting. READ MORE

Edward Donaldson

The outlook for the coming years show countries such as India, Brazil, China & Russia having the largest impact on the consumer market. China is the largest population in the world and recent statistics indicate that 1 out of every 6 people on earth are living in China. This will have a drastic effect on the travel industry and the luxury market. Analysts also forecast that China will be the world's most important luxury market by 2011. As more products become available to more people, the pressure increases to offer something truly special. READ MORE

Tara K. Gorman

From the looks of it, doom and gloom seem to surround us at every turn. We hear and read about the downturn in the economy in the newspapers, on the evening news, from the Sunday morning "talking heads", at cocktail parties and business events, around the water cooler and even in supermarket tabloids. This economic downturn is affecting every industry - including the hospitality industry. More and more hotel owners may begin to find themselves in financial turmoil and may have to turn to bankruptcy as a solution to a very difficult set of circumstances. READ MORE

Michael Bedner

Some soar 30 stories high. With banks of elevators around the perimeter. Towering palms or pines or lush flowering tropical plants. And "surround-sound" and showcase lighting. Others are much more reserved and sedate. Elegant, with exotic Persian rugs, expensive tapestries and museum quality artifacts. While others tastefully blend accents of marble and onyx with clean, contemporary furnishings. Whether you favor grandiose atrium style lobbies, smaller, club-style lobbies or scaled-down, simplistic but ultra-sleek foyers, one thing is certain: lobbies have the power to charm, dazzle and entice you... luring you in and seducing you to stay. Guests' impressions of what they are about to experience both start and end with the hotel lobby. That's why lobby design - the visual images, the total sensory experience - is so important. READ MORE

Holly Stiel

Have you ever had an annual review and was surprised at the fact that your performance was not up to par? Have you ever given an annual review to a surprised and disappointed employee? All too often employees have no idea how their managers see them or what they can do to improve until it is too late. This practice of yearly or semi-yearly reviews that are subject to surprise is quite ineffective and uninspiring. Ongoing coaching is the perfect remedy. Many managers believe that they already coach, but all too often their idea of coaching is telling people what to do. Good coaching utilizes a specific set of questions and inspires self-discovery, resulting in employees taking personal responsibility for their behavior. READ MORE

Elaine Fenard

More than ever the spa industry has embraced technology to create better guest experiences and maintain more efficient business operations. In this article, we look at what a spa operator should know and ask before deciding which spa software platform would be best for his or her spa. The key message here is to be prepared before you go shopping. READ MORE

William A. Brewer III

The competitive environment in the hotel industry is undergoing increasing change. Beyond mergers and consolidations, hotel and management companies are seeking to leverage their existing brand portfolios through "brand extensions" or "co-branding" relationships, particularly in the luxury segment of the market. These new relationships will almost certainly have an impact on the so-called territorial restriction provision commonly found in a management agreement - the provision that most often dictates if, and how, a hotel operator can compete with a hotel owner. In considering what that impact might be in this evolving legal landscape, owners and operators should ask themselves three basic, but critically important questions. READ MORE

Sam Small

Bamboo is one of, if not the fastest growing plant on earth and wherever it grows it's been used as building material for as long as humans have been building. But now that it's been certified that properly treated Structural Bamboo meets international building codes, bamboo has become one of the fastest growing structural building materials in the worldwide sustainable construction industry. The largest modern bamboo building built so far: 55,200 Sq Ft. The International Code Council (ICC) certified in 2004 that Structural Bamboo Poles produced by Hawaii-based Bamboo Technologies comply with International Building Code (IBC), International residential Code (IRC) and Uniform Building Code (UBC) standards and since then over 100 building-code compliant bamboo structures used as homes and vacation resorts have been pre-fabricated and shipped from the BT factory in Viet Nam to be re-assembled on sites all around the world. READ MORE

Joshua Miller

Because parking is not a core focus in the hospitality industry, the strategic planning and analysis often found in other areas of hotel management are rarely found in parking operations. There is a tremendous opportunity to improve overall effectiveness and financial performance in every phase of the hotel life cycle. In this article we explain some of the mechanisms for improving your operation through strategic management of your asset. With the industry facing such challenging times, hotel parking is an unexplored area ripe for the financial gains desperately needed by most properties. READ MORE

Roberta Nedry

There are certain catchy phrases that seem to be automatic in service delivery. The problem is that they are automatic. How do the words we choose and the phrases we say impact the service experience? Are these expressions mundane collections of words provided to or thought of by employees as simple solutions to common situations? Or could they be opportunities to capture the attention and favor of guests who want to be surprised and delighted? Words and expressions can make a powerful difference in how guests perceive messages and communication. READ MORE

Bonnie Knutson

With the current state of the economy, it is not at all surprising that consumers and hotels alike have developed a frugal mindset. Or as one upscale frequent traveler aptly put it, my wallet is closed! So just what can your hotel do to be tough, be ready, and get going, and still be on-trend with the new luxury consumer? The answer lies in a popular song originally recorded by Billy Ocean in 1985: When the going gets tough, the tough get ready. The operative word is, of course, ready. This article is the second of a two-part series that looks at how lodging properties can take advantage of the paradigm shift between old luxury and new luxury. READ MORE

Holly Stiel

The big buzz these days is to talk all about the customer Experience. It is pass'e to use the term customer service and all the rage to sing the praises of the customer's experience. I am all for delivering memorable and pleasurable experiences, especially in the hospitality industry. I have been advocating being a "Memory Maker" for many years. It is just that no matter what you call it, the route to the customer's experience comes through the employee. If we only focus on the customers and do not give equal focus to the employees, we do not have a prayer of delivering the experience we are striving for or promising in our branding and advertising. READ MORE

Elaine Fenard

In this challenging economy, one of the quickest ways to turn around sluggish spa sales is to focus on retail. Generally, most spa locations overlook retail's potential without realizing they are missing out on increased revenue potential. A well run spa with a heightened focus on retail can achieve a 20-30% retail-to-treatment revenue ratio, a play that can provide a noticeable boost to the bottom line. The good news for operators is that with a few simple changes and without a large financial investment, attaining the 20-30% goal isn't just within reach, it's realistic. Here's how: READ MORE

Greg Pesik

It is undeniable that hotels have become significantly more efficient and technology savvy over last decade, with the wider deployment of technology being a primary driver for positive progress. However, there is much room for improvement, particularly in the group side of the house. In light of today's economic uncertainty, hotels now more than ever need to make sure that they are operating as efficiently as possible, taking advantage of the latest technologies to get there. The question really boils down to, how can you do more with less, how can you generate more revenue and save costs, even in a downturn? READ MORE

Coming up in March 1970...