Of all of the marketing disciplines, public relations is, to many, the most difficult to assess. "Are we getting our money's worth?" "Are they as productive as they can be?" "Are we achieving the best results?" "Is it time to make a change?" These are the kinds of questions that surface periodically during the life of almost any client-agency relationship. They may crop up often in a new relationship as it struggles to seek a firm foundation, but they occur even in the most established and longstanding of marriages. The questions are natural and they are understandable. Employing a framework for assessing your particular situation will aid in arriving at solid answers. The process will either support the conclusion that you have the right agency in place...or suggest it may be time to make a change. It will also serve as a guideline for working effectively with your agency so you can be secure in the confidence that you are getting the most from your agency and your public relations budget. READ MORE