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Tara K. Gorman

It's simple. It's all about control! A retail management agreement typically provides a hotel owner with much greater control over the day-to-day operations of a retail facility than a retail lease does. The first question a hotel owner should ask is, "do I really want control over the day-to-day operations of the retail facility?" The answer may vary from facility to facility. For example, the hotel owner may not wish to delve into the day-to-day operations of the sundry shop, but the food and beverage operation, that may be quite a different matter because the food and beverage experience is closely tied to the overall guest experience. READ MORE

Elaine Fenard

In the last decade spa has become synonymous with luxury and upper- upscale hotel markets, building a five star resort without a spa is now unthinkable and has become a standard of entry into this market segment. While growth of spas within the five star hotel markets is expected to continue, the four star hotel markets has also steadily begun to incorporate spa into the facility footprint; especially in resort markets. Furthermore, spa is beginning to emerge in the three star hotel market. READ MORE

Steve Kiesner

You know that getting more value from your energy dollar is always important. The lodging industry spends over $5.5 billion per year on energy. That is a lot room for potential savings. And greater profitability. The need to improve your electric energy efficiency is especially important. Electricity is an amazing energy source, and demand for it today is at record levels. Looking ahead 25 years, the nation's population is anticipated to grow by 23 percent. The country's GDP is projected to double in that time. And both events lead experts to predict that electricity use will grow 40 percent by 2030. One way that hotels can improve their overall energy efficiency is by taking the ENERGY STAR Challenge READ MORE

Dennis M. Baker

Tired of the disruption? Upset that you keep paying hundreds of dollars fixing unreliable equipment? At what point do you stop repairing that 10 year old piece of kitchen equipment and make the decision to buy something new? Making these decisions can be difficult and buying the right piece of replacement equipment can be more challenging than just purchasing the same item you currently own. Obviously, you want a great price, but there are other considerations as well. Before you buy, here are some ideas. READ MORE

Bonnie Knutson

In business jargon, a niche is simply "a special area of demand for product or service" because it offers consumers "a situation or activity specially suited to a person's interests, ability or nature." In other words, a niche simply matches what I need or want in a lodging experience to what your hotel can offer me. The key is in the matching. So how do you effectively make that match? It is simple. Just follow the five points of the star to which you can niche your wagon READ MORE

Scott B. Brickman

Many hotel executives are aware that wasting water costs money. But with increasing demands on many municipal water supplies, frequent and increasingly severe droughts and a broadening concern for the environment, it has become more important than ever to control the flow of this precious limited resource. Irrigation expertise and advances in irrigation technology, however, provide a ready, proven solution to a major source of water waste. READ MORE

Georgi Bohrod

Are you in the condo-hotel business? There are already reports surfacing regarding legal issues stemming from poor asset management. Although condo-hotels are sexy, popular and full of promise, they come with their own set of challenges. Not only can your PR "people" ensure that the message is transmitted accurately, but there are nuts and bolts procedures that can preserve the reputation of your property. READ MORE

Gini Dietrich

Have you ever been in a situation where you're talking to a reporter and you don't know what to say? Or you keep talking to fill the silence because they're not asking you questions? Maybe you've never talked to a reporter and you don't know how to handle yourself. I'm here to tell you it's a piece of cake. Reporters are people too. They put on their pants one leg at a time. And they can help your business grow because of the credibility they lend to a story or trend about you. But there are 13 very important tips you should consider before picking up the phone or talking to a reporter in person. READ MORE

Arthur Weissman

Every property has to control pests such as insects or rodents, but you want to do so in a way that doesn't compromise the health and aesthetic quality of the environment you create for the benefit of your guests. In particular, the concern is that potent, toxic chemical pesticides may very well eliminate a pest problem but create a human health or environmental problem. Having your guests become ill - or suspect that they may - is not a good alternative to their finding a roach in their rooms. On the other hand, you want to ensure that pests are not part of your guest experience, so you must find an effective as well as safe way of controlling or eliminating them. The environmentally preferred way is through Integrated Pest Management (IPM), which is offered by some major hotel service providers. This article will describe the fundamentals of IPM and what to specify from your service provider. READ MORE

Dee Dee Dochen

To market you go. In the "old" days, that might have meant hiring a great sales person, an ad agency and a PR firm, and turning each of them out to do what they do best. But how much did they talk with each other? How often did they put their heads together to plan or consolidate initiatives? With time, technology and "touch," many smart companies have evolved to the strategic, integrated marketing communication approach, defined as "a management concept designed to bring all elements of marketing communication - such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations and direct marketing - together as a unified force, rather than permitting each to work in isolation." Read how... READ MORE

Nina Curtis

The retail mix is not a simple process of picking merchandise and putting it on the shelf, it's the culmination of factors that you will use to satisfy your guests' needs and influence their purchase decisions through your merchandise offering, promotions, and your visual merchandise display. With a bit of planning, organization and a consorted effort on your part you can build a winning retail mix and manage your retail depart for financial gain while delighting your guest - and here's how... READ MORE

Andrew Glincher

Developers are increasingly finding alternative uses for ports. Through the years, port development has been the focus of many big cities from San Francisco to Boston and most recently, in Washington, D.C. as the nation's capital develops its Southwest Waterfront. Ports can be an economic boom for cities. In some cities, ports have become a tourist attraction. As ports generate more higher-income uses, this is good news for the real estate industry as the property values rise resulting in many redeveloped high-end apartments, condos, offices, restaurants, and of course, hotels. What challenges do hotel developers face when building near ports or on waterfront property? READ MORE

John Poimiroo

Cultural events have long been touted by arts organizations as benefiting hotels. Research studies by the Los Angeles County-based organizations prove the claim. In the late 1990s and again in the early 2000s, the effectiveness of major art exhibits to attract visitors to Los Angeles County were studied by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and by The Museum of Contemporary Art as driven by LA's Cultural Tourism Department. Those studies documented not just the economic and social impact of major Vincent Van Gogh and Andy Warhol exhibitions, but proved once and for all time that strong exhibits - effectively promoted - attract out-of-town visitors, sell rooms and can be extremely lucrative to hotels. READ MORE

Donald R. Smith

Logical arguments can be made for and against the 800 numbers. But ultimately consumers want a choice, and they want to know that a human can assist with their decision making and travel booking process. While some hotel groups have hidden their toll free numbers, others have made them prominent for the following reasons... READ MORE

Joanna Harralson

There are times we wonder just how important it is to constantly demand adherence to the rules we've put in place in our bars and lounges. For instance, just what can the negative impact be of a bartender becoming lax in reviewing servers' checks? To forget that guidelines such as this were established for definite reasons is, of course, foolhardy. For one, when a bartender is diligent about 'redlining' or otherwise reviewing checks created from a server's drink/food orders, the server tends to be more diligent about maintaining accountability and accuracy with those same orders. By the same token, the bartender is encouraged to travel a straighter path, as well. And collusion between a bartender and server is not an unheard of scenario in many bars and lounges. READ MORE

Coming up in March 1970...