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Torsten Sabel

In times of crisis, priorities shift and hoteliers tend to make managing their online reputation a low priority. But actively influencing your reputation and your visibility on the internet is paramount, especially during a crisis as serious as the coronavirus pandemic. Implementing a reputation management strategy by following these essential steps is vital to protect your image and to emerge even stronger after the crisis has passed. READ MORE

Rob  Adams

The global economy collapsed and the meetings industry along with it. Neither economists nor event professionals could have predicted the devastation to our industry. Nonetheless, there is growing optimism for 2021 and beyond. Through hybrid events and restoring confidence in the in-person meeting, event professionals reinvent the industry so we can return to human interaction, connected by a shared purpose. READ MORE

John Washko

Meetings Professionals are still adapting and evolving in these uncharted waters presented by the global pandemic and the MICE industry requires comprehensive health & safety planning, strategies and execution. This article discusses the crucial elements of a COVID-19 Resource Center, with the goal of ensuring safe & successful events for group planners of all types in the midst of such unique and unprecedented challenges. READ MORE

Chris McAndrews

In this piece about recovery from pandemic setbacks, Chris McAndrews, Vice President of Marketing – Hospitality Cloud, discusses the importance of digital. He notes that it is easy to see the case for technology in the immediate term with the predominance of virtual events, but that the case is equally strong as the meetings, events and hospitality industries return to in-person events. READ MORE

David Peckinpaugh

Maritz Global Events' President David Peckinpaugh shares foundational elements for executing successful events today and in a post-COVID world. Leveraging behavioral science, data and each organization's specific goals, learn how we can design experiences that help clients and their guest feel safe and comfortable in their return to events. This article highlights rethinking of traditional strategies along with new ideas to execute safe and secure events. READ MORE

Mark Heymann

In today's world, nearly everything can be done through our phones. In that sense, hospitality companies need to understand how to leverage mobile technology. For hotels, the use of mobile tech can exponentially increase the efficiency and effectiveness of day-to-day operations. At one point, hospitality solely relied on human-to-human interaction. However, those days are long gone. READ MORE

Eric Price

The COVID-19 pandemic has businesses considering large-scale reconstruction and redesign to help combat the spread of the virus and protect against future health crises. Destination hot-spots are considering how best to protect their future customers. What might the hotel redesign process look like? How much could it cost, and how long might it take? How can hotels best utilize open space and fresh air going forward? READ MORE

Mostafa Sayyadi

The true basis of leadership was built upon a model that generated two sides of an X and Y axis. On one side is the concept of leadership that creates change through taking a process-oriented and the other as more of a relationship-oriented approach. Based upon the management versus leadership idea, a manager always has to be a leader but a leader does not always have to be a manager. READ MORE

Allison Kinsley

We are taking time to optimistically and critically rethink our meetings, including challenging their essential components, what may be dispensable, and what we've been missing. A meeting planner and small business owner shares her experience on COVID's effects on the planning community, why government needs to pay attention to letting meetings take place, how to get people back to in-person events, and why the pandemic is good for the planning industry. READ MORE

Kaaren Hamilton

As the meetings and events industry responds to the pandemic, hotels have implemented industry leading best practices to gain event planner confidence. A key component of the events industry, hotels have to quickly pivot and adjust all phases of the buying process, execution, and operational guidelines to meet safely. Keeping the events industry moving forward and delivering on the value proposition of meetings, in smaller and groups, RLH Hotels are delivering. READ MORE

Annette Gregg

The meeting and event industry faces one of the toughest times in its history. Meeting Professionals International's quarterly Meetings Outlook survey predicted the lowest meeting and event growth on record, with only 36% predicting favorable business conditions over the next year. For organizers that are planning live events during this pandemic, we have a powerful opportunity to demonstrate how events can happen safely. READ MORE

Amy Draheim

Hospitality expert and podcast host Amy Draheim offers three key tips for hotel sales teams. From zoning in on your audience, to the latest ideas in tech, to learning how to communicate, Amy outlines how to approach communications both during and after the pandemic, to keep your property top of mind. READ MORE

Robert Post

As much as we would like to believe that the bad news is largely behind us, we actually face something much more complicated for the next 24 months: uncertainty - around the virus, how the public will respond, etc. In human history this isn't the first time a pandemic and recession have impacted the human race. READ MORE

Brenda Fields

The top performing hotel Sales Department will look very different than the model over the past 20 years. With the abrupt loss of demand and loss of traditional markets, it is critical to maximize the role of Direct Sales. Growing market share will be the focus to generate revenues and the successful hotelier in a competitive marketplace will quickly evaluate to devise and execute plans to impact market share. READ MORE

Randy Shelly

The hospitality industry took one of the biggest financial hits during the pandemic, but it's in the position to make one of the biggest comebacks, including winning back market share from homestay offerings. Customer confidence will drive repeat, continuous traffic, and as leisure travel begins to pick up, hotels are in a competition for cleanliness to earn the trust of their guests through thoughtful upgrades and renovations. READ MORE

Coming up in March 1970...